Key Features
- 130 different blues scales (including six standard blues scales)
- Harmony feature: you can now see and hear the chord progressions, over which the given variations can be played. Harmony feature can be switched off when it is unnecessary
- Metronome with adjustable tempo and time signature for training
- Every scale is provided with corresponding optimal fingerings for your comfort
- Transpose scales to any desired key by dragging notes on the screen with your finger
- Guitar Driller Integration support

About Bluesman II
Many of you know such famous blues stars, as Eric Gale, B.B. King, Gary Moore, Buddy Guy, Eric Clapton and others. What distinguishes the master from the remaining? What does the master original? He is unique, not similar to the others. He is always recognized on his performance technique and sounding. He owns certain performance secrets.
With "Bluesman II" app you will discover new horizons, scales, new fingerings, blues boxes, skipping strings scales, which are constructed by strict rules. This app will also be a good professional training tool for you. Choose it for yourself if you want to be the unique blues player. Become a pioneer in the world of Blues with "Bluesman II"!
Blues, as well as the other kinds of art, is being progressed. If you are interested in a more standard solutions, you can find them in our previous app called "Bluesman Guitar Scales".

Other Features
- Stereo sound playback for comfortable listening in headphones
- Cursor can display note names or fingering (selectable)
- Notes can display note names or fingering (selectable)
- Sharp and flat signatures correspond to the current mode's key
- Fast cycled playback with adjustable tempo
- Manual note selection by tapping notes on the screen
- Two guitar sound banks (Acoustic and Distortion) to select
- Six selectable harmony timbres to choose from
- Stereo Chorus FX for harmony chords at your choice
- Adjustable Reverb effect on guitar sounds
- iPhone X support

Harmony plays the chords which are suitable for currently selected scale. The selected scale itself doesn't change.
Is there a video if this app somewhere?
I don't understand the harmony mode - does it play a blues progression (with drums, bass and rhythm guitar?) and then the scale shapes change in line with the chord changes?