About Swybrid Picking
Fonexsis presents first full school of Swybrid Picking (Sweep/hybrid) technique. SWYBRID PICKING is a guitar method of sound production that combines hybrid picking, sweep picking, alternate picking and sometimes legato. Sweep picking is a method that allows guitarists to play exercises rapidly by picking two or more strings in the same direction (up or down) with a single stroke. Hybrid picking is a guitar method that involves picking with a pick and one or more fingers alternately or simultaneously. Alternate picking is a guitar playing method that employs strictly alternating down and up picking strokes in a continuous run. Legato method is playing musical phrases with predominantly hammer-ons or pull-offs instead of picking.

All you need is here
To date, swybrid picking technique is the latest achievement in the field of guitar art. If you want to surprise with your sparkling technique ANY PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST - that is what you need! What are some broken arpeggio or broken pentatonic! With this technique you can perform broken arpeggios which are often found in classical music, especially Paganini. This technique is suitable for all music styles that use a pick. Musicians like Tosin Abasi, Brett Garsed, Tom Quayle etc. use similar technique.

Application includes:
Guitar Tunings (6 ex);
Base Licks (121 ex);
Diatonic Sequences (22 ex);
Neo-classic Sequences (10 ex);
Diatonic Scales Sequences (26 ex);
Pentatonic Mode Sequences (31 ex);
Whole-tone Mode Sequences (20 ex);
Augmented Mode Sequences (9 ex);
Diminished Mode Sequences (11 ex);
Dominant Diminished Sequences (38 ex);
Chromatic Sequences (13 ex);
Arpeggio Exercises (40 ex);
Bitonal Arpeggio Sequences (7 ex);
Rolled Chords Exercises (7 ex);
Modal Sequences (7 ex);
Quartal Sequences (8 ex);
Skipping Strings Sequences (14 ex);
Finger Lock Sequences (40 ex);
Modes 4 Note Per String (12 ex)
All Fonexsis apps are supported by free updates!

Yes, this would be great. Currently the app is too loud compared to JamUp, so being able to turn it down a little would be perfect. Thanks for listening.
we will add the volume control in one of the future updates. The only thing is that the volume can only be decreased in relationship with current volume, which is the maximum. You can't make it louder because sound overload and clicks will occur. Will this satisfy your needs?
Thank you for interesting in our apps!
Fonexsis Creative Group.
I tried running JamUp Pro in the background while using your free EP Guitar app and it works very well. I can hear both your app with the lesson and my guitar through the JamUp amp using an Apogee Jam interface.
The only thing is it's a little difficult to balance the levels correctly. If you could add a volume control in the app (besides just using the iPad volume) that would be perfect to allow balancing of the lesson audio and the background guitar.
I think this is going to work very well. Thanks!
Thanks for the reply. I don't want it to work AS a guitar rig, but wonder if I can use it WITH a guitar rig like JamUp. I use Audiobus too so maybe that will help. I think if an app has background audio enabled it will normally work with other audio devices at the same time. That's what I am interested in.
Good news about the tempo slider!
1) This app cannot work as Guitar Rig. It is just a trainer that can teach you how to play at very high speeds.
2) There is a tempo slider, which allows to set almost any playback tempo starting from 30 bpm and up to 360 bpm.
We are going to prepare a demo video for this program.
Best regards!
Fonexsis Creative Group.
I saw some videos for your other apps so understand more how this is likely to work. One more question, can you speed up / slow down the tempo apart from just slow/fast?